Saturday, September 17, 2016

Week 1 is done - Move to Week 2 Release

I have completed WEEK 1- I can't believe I have made it this far and my only cheats are oranges and raw nuts!  That is a HUGE win in my book.    I am feeling so much better this week.  I did do a weight in and take my measurements.

Are you ready for this??   I am down 3.8 pounds and 2.75 inches.  Doesn't seem like a whole lot but for just 1 week that is awesome and I am extremely proud of my own results.

Meal 1:  Breakfast.  This week starts the 3 cups of fruit for breakfast and I am not going to complain!!!  I LOVE fruit!!!

Strawberries, Honeydew, Pineapple, and 1 Kiwi.  YUMM

Went to the FAIR today which meant more temptations! UGH! FAIR food.. I normally don't go all out at the fair but I do love the Corn Dogs and something sweet, NITRO Ice Cream SO YUMMY!!!

But I stuck to the plan. I packed my Lunch and Snack for the day so that I had foods I knew I was able to have during the day!

Meal 2: Lunch: Salad with Carrots and Sunflower seeds with a little Olive Oil dressing while watching the Sea Lion show!  It was pretty cute!

I had to watch my mom, sister, and Kamden eat Cheeseballs and Mini Donuts.  I was even a sweet heart and brought my husband some mini donuts home.

Got well over 15,000 steps at the fair.

Mom now works for AGCO so we went and saw the BIG tractors.  Kamden was in HEAVEN - he even wore is Massy Shirt :)

Snack time:  Snack now consists of 1/2 scoop of Vegan Shakeology!

Fair was exhausting I super hungry for snack!!

Today was also a big day for me as I hosted my first Country Heat LIVE workout.  While at Summit, this program was released.  I had tried 2 of the workouts when they were available on Beachbody on Demand and I FELL in LOVE.  I made the decision to just DIVE in and get certified so I could share my love of the program with others and help them on their health and fitness journey by having fun dancing and getting our sweat on. 

First class went well!! A few mistakes but everyone was dripping sweat!!

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