Saturday, September 17, 2016

DAY 7 of the UR

Woke up feeling great unlike some of the people at the party hehe.

It felt really good knowing I avoided eating anything last night!

Meal 1: Breakfast - this morning the family had Shakeology.

Since the hubs was home watching football he had baby duty while this mama hit up the gym  It is always nice to take the workout elsewhere.   I did the Elliptical, Bike, and a little bit of weights!

I used to go to the gym ALL the time, I would spend hours there just to reach my goals.  Now I am working on balance and working on my nutrition AND working out at HOME.   Its all about finding out what works best for you.   With Kamden,  I no longer had the freedom to go to the gym whenever I wanted and with our crazy busy schedules it is hard to FIND the time to go.  Working out at home has made that easier.

Meal 2: Lunch:   Micro Green Salad - I kept it basic.  Lettuce, Carrots, and Sunflower seeds along with some olive oil dressing.

No snack today - Kamden and I were busying running last minute errands for his birthday party!!

Meal 3: Dinner - Veggie Stir Fry -This has become one of my favorite meals.  It is SO easy to make and store for the week so I can just quickly grab it!

After dinner was the hard part.  CAKE - my favorite cake from Wal-Mart. Whip Topping Frosting!  YUM.

LOOK at that SMILE - he loved being sung too!
Happy Birthday Kamden - I seriously can't believe your TWO.

Can you believe that I didn't have any of that!? CRAZY!!!

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