Saturday, September 17, 2016

Over HALF way done with the RESET

Day 12 has arrived.  I survived day 11 but BARLEY.

This day has begun better than I thought.  After the day I had yesterday I stepped on the scale... BOOM down a TOTAL of 5.8 pounds!   CRAZY.   It is even better that my mindset is changing and I am getting the opportunity to work on my relationship with food.

Meal 1:  You guessed it FRUIT - Get prepared to see a full week more of this!!  Strawberries, Honeydew, and Pineapple.

But not after I drink DETOX.  This is a good picture that shows you it looks like your drinking pepper. haha.  Taste like lemon :)

Meal 2: LUNCH - I was a little worried about today. We had a team building activity today and since I am the new girl (only 2 girls in our whole department) I didn't want to not eat what they were serving and be THAT person.   I sucked it up and ate what they served which consisted of choosing our own meat.  I went with chicken breast.  I ate about 2 oz, it helped that it wasn't full cooked so I just ate the cooked parts and brought the rest home.  Then I had to choose from the following sides Baked Beans, Coleslaw, Potato Salad, Rolls.   I chose a little bit of baked beans and potato salad.  I was pretty happy with myself as I didn't use it as a cheat and I was conscious of what I ate and I still felt full but not bloated.   I have to call that WIN!!!

SNACK - Vegan Chocolate Shakeology.  I am so thankful for Shakeology.  It is helping me with my cravings and providing my body with proper nutrients and it taste absolutely wonderful without all that extra sugars and crap!

Meal 3: Supper.  This is also a meal that I have surprisingly haven't gotten sick of eating. I enjoy eating these veggies and I feel so AMAZING after I eat them!

Friday Night wraps up my FIRST full week of Country Heat LIVE classes :)

That feeling after you get done teaching your first week of classes! 
I can't believe that I thought I was not fit for the "fitness class teacher" life.
I have been missing out for far to long! I'm so freaking thankful that I have found my passion and get to go outside of my box to learn new things and learn about me! I am an introvert still awkward at times when it comes to conversation but I've learned to embrace it because it's who I am and I can only learn to break out of the boring old box more often!

That's a WRAP on DAY 12!

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