Saturday, September 17, 2016

Days 9 & 10

Day 9.  I have come so far.  For the most part I am not craving anything specific. I am not missing the meat and eggs like I thought I would.  I have had some temptation with cheese because I give Kamden string cheese but other than that I feel AMAZING!

I am sure I am going to drink this Gallon PLUS more!

On the Reset, you drink distilled water and you add Mineralize to it, which is a compound that Beachbody has put together!  There is no taste to it, the distilled water doesn't taste any different than regular tap water either.

Meal 1: FRUIT- I love this part! Strawberries, honeydew, a little bit of pineapple, and 1 kiwi.

Meal 2: Veggie Stir Fry.  I am so amazing at how full I actually feel after eating 2 cups of this!

HOWEVER, by 2:30 I am really ready for my snack so I drink down the Power Greens and then get the yummy apple and peanut butter.

This snack never failed anyone's expectations :)

When I got home from work.. I was still craving a little some sweet so I ate Cinnamon and Sugar Toasted Pumpkin Seeds - they are organic and healthy :)  Still not something that was necessarily NEEDED..

Meal 3: I tried something new again!   Brown Rice and Pinto Beans and then added some green beans! FULL plate - never disappointing!!

DAY 10

By this day I am feeling really good.  I did step on the scale and I am still down!! WHOOT.  Down 4 pounds at this point!! Feeling BOMB about that!!

My favorite part of the reset really has to be breakfast! FRUIT I love it!!  This morning I only had Strawberries and Honeydew.   Honeydew has also become a favorite fruit of mine.  I has avoided it forever, even in those fruit salads I would pick around it.  I don't even know why... maybe because it is green???  Who knows but I am sad I waited until now to try it!

Meal 2: Lunch - 1/2 cup of pinto beans and rice mix. lettuce, 1/4 c carrots and 1/8 c of sunflower seeds with EVOO dressing.   I might have found the only way that I will eat the "microgreen" salad.  Plain as plain could be!

Snack: Vegan Shakeology - Only half a scoop.  Makes me sad because I love Shakeology and I feel like in 2 sips its gone!!  If you have ever tried shakeology you know how I feel!

Sweater weather was here this day!!

Meal 3: Supper 2 cups of veggie stir fry

No challenges today!  I was feeling pretty good about that.. Stuck to the plan :)  

Wednesday is WORKOUT night.  2nd Country Heat LIVE workout went down!!!  Added more people today!! It was Awesome!! :)  I love this!!

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