Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Day 2

After having a horrible headache yesterday, I was scared for today.  I love CAFFEINE.  I am an addict.  I have quit only 1 time before and it lasted for a good month.  I was proud of myself, but something about energize and feeling pumped for my workout I fell back into that habit and then let go all together.   Today was a new day! :)  I woke up feeling great and got my workout in!

During the reset you are supposed to keep it lighter, but I had the urge to get sweaty so I did!!

Working out makes me feel AWESOME!!

Meal 1 of the day was my awesome SHAKE!  YUMMY - plus some strawberries.  I love Shakeology.  I have tried so many other shakes a literally this is by far my favorite!   During the reset you are only allowed to drink Vegan, which taste pretty damn good to me :)

Favorite Part of the day :)

Meal 2: Lunch - Not so yummy.  I put tomatoes and cucumbers in there only to take them out.. UGH tomorrow we will try something new!

I give it a 9 on presentation if that counts for anything.

BEFORE Snack Supplements:  Let me just tell you this has to be the worst part of this whole thing so far.   POWER GREENS.. YUCK.   You mix the little packet of power greens in 4 to 6 oz of water... let me tell you less is more.  I chug it.  (I will be sure to share a picture)

Snack:  Today I chose to have Siggis Vanilla Yogurt along with a cup of mixed berries.  It was okay - I am not a fan of seeds in my berries  but that is me being picky!  I ate almost all of it.  Didn't finish all the yogurt, I wasn't feeling it.

About this time is when the major headache started to set it. I tried to tough it out for about an hour but when you are working and need to focus I couldn't ride through it so I took 2 ibuprofen.  It helped a little bit but I still came home and took a 40 minute nap to sleep it away.

Meal 3: Supper.  At this point I was a little off schedule after taking a nap, however I woke up took my supplements and started supper.  Veggie Stir Fry.  A little apprehensive considering I just don't really like veggies.  BUT to my surprise it is my favorite meal by far (except Shakeology)  I actually liked the sauteed broccoli! It was delicious.  I wanted seconds.

Overall good day! - I did sneak 2 clementines in there before supper, but if that the worse I do during this whole thing we are still good :) 

RECAP of day 2:

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