Saturday, September 17, 2016

Day 3 of the Ultimate Reset

Wednesday September 7th

Woke up feeling okay. My body was actually sore, almost like I ran 5 miles and lifted heavy weights.  It made it hard to get out of bed.

Meal 1: Breakfast was the ever so awesome Vegan Chocolate Shakeology!   Felt like supporting the Hawkeyes today!  There is never a bad time to support them!! The BIG Iowa/Iowa State game is this weekend!

Meal 2: Lunch - Good Ole' Chicken Breast and Veggie Stir Fry.

OHHH.. then comes the oh so dreaded greens.  I wish at this point I could tell you that it gets better but that is a lie.  After 3 days I still can't stomach it.  My TIP if you are going to do this is to use COLD water.

Snack:  I totally take advantage of being able to eat apples with peanut butter even if it is ALL natural organic peanut butter I still LOVE IT!
I also had 2 clementines for snack today as well.  They are just sitting on the counter screaming eat me!!!!
I still haven't broken that habit of seeing something, wanting it, and not eating it. UGH

Meal 3: Supper  When it came to doing this whole reset, This meal by FAR was the one I FOR sure knew that I would like eating, even though I am not a huge rice eater.   I did have to substitute the shell for a garden veggie one because I couldn't find our corn tortillas, however I ate half of the shell and said forget it because I just wasn't feeling it.

I do have to admit this wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be... I think next time I will add some seasoning to the beans and rice to give it more of a taco flavor.


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