Saturday, September 17, 2016

Ultimate Reset: Day 5 & 6

I am 5 days into this journey - this is about the time that I cave.  Friday night right and your supposed to go out and be social.  Well not this time.

Meal 1: Breakfast - Shakeology:)  My photo won't upload but you get the point!

Today my overall attitude is a little better but like I mentioned its day 5 and this is the point where I start feeling weak and want to cave.

Meal 2: 2 cups Veggie Stir Fry, 2 oz chicken

Snack: 1/2 apple, 1/2 tbsp PB, 8 carrots and 2 more Clementines - They are GONE! I promise!!!

Meal 3: Southwest Taco - adding some seasonings and it was BOMB!

Did a little FRIDAY night walk with the FAM.  Kamden is all about going outside and being on the go.  So we have been doing alot of walks!

DAY 6:   TODAY IS GAME DAY and we have a big party to go to... UGH -First huge TEMPTATION.   PLUS it is KAMDEN'S 2nd BIRTHDAY so CAAAKE UGH.

Meal 1: Breakfast   My sister invited us over for breakfast.  I know that past day 4 or 5 you aren't supposed to have any more dairy or meat but I had 1 egg and I brought my own fruit!

Annnnd Kamden got a cupcake for breakfast.  I can't believe that he is TWO already!!  Where has the time gone??

Filled him up on sugar before pictures :)

Snack:   I made the decision to drink my shake RIGHT before I went to hopefully fill up and avoid the snacks.

The other thing that I find hard to skip is the ALCOHOL.   Beer and Tailgating and I will be drinking my water!    SO hard to believe that I am NOT participating in any of the drinking and eating for a tailgate party!  Just not me but when I have major goals in my mind I am going to reach them.  I am at that point where I am tired of how I look and feel!!

Meal 3: Supper.  I brought my veggies to the party and warmed those up, I took a picture to share with the UR group but I deleted it :( I also has some watermelon, Cantaloupe, and Grapes.

I did have a snack after supper again.  While everyone was getting the beer munchies I was getting the they are eating munching and had packed an apple so I ate that.

I call that day a WIN for SURE!  I didn't touch any of the snacks or alcohol!!

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