Saturday, September 17, 2016

Day 11 of the Ultimate Reset

What to say about this day.  This DAY was by far the HARDEST!
My mind just didn't know what it wanted.  I was VERY tired.  I could hardly keep by eyes open at work.  It was craving chocolate ALL day!  and to know that we have a "treat" fridge at work makes it harder!   FULL of all sorts of candy bars...   BUT I avoided it.  I have come TOO far to throw it all away for a craving that would soon go away.

I did get a workout this morning - Hammer and Chisel and practiced Country Heat LIVE.  Normally after working out I feel great! So TIRED!!

Meal 1: FRUIT as always!! 

As you can tell... my mind was boggled this day - I didn't SAVE any pictures! I had to go back to IG and Snapchat to find them!!!   Feel Free to Follow Me if you aren't already.

Snapchat - taryncrees
IG - @taryncrees

During week 2 before each meal you are to drink DETOX and take 2 pills of Optimize.  The detox drink looks horrible BUT I can reassure you.. it taste SO much better than the power greens!!  It has a lemony taste to it.   IF you are a texture person this might get you because it is kind of like drinking poppy seeds which we would never do but the particles are about the same size or a little smaller.

Meal 2:  I was still on track however I was still sleepy even after all of those natural sugars!  Today wasn't any different from any other day so besides this cleanse I am not sure what else was making me so tired.       1c brown rice and pinto beans and 1 cup green beans. (pictures again from IG)

Pre Snack - NASTY POWER GREENS - This is a mix of celery powder, spinach powder and some other powders of vegetables.  Not good.

Snack:  And 30 MINUTES later...It was FINALLY time for my SHAKE.  CHOCOLATE!!! YAY!!!! ( this picture I remembered to save!!)

Meal 3:  I learned how difficult it is to go out to eat and choose something healthy but also choose something that fits what I am allowed to eat during this reset..  It was so hard and I felt AWFUL for being so picky.  I went with the Crispy Chicken Salad - No black olives, bacon, and no cheese.  It came with chicken which I gave to Kamden but the chicken was chopped up so there were a few pieces on my salad and it came with an egg which sat there for a while until I ate half of it.  Dressing was Light Italian but I barely used any because I don't even like Italian dressing.  There are also tomatoes on there and I ate them.  They were small enough for me to hardly taste :)

 Day 11 was over and SOOOOO tough!! FINALLY It is OVER!

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