Saturday, September 17, 2016

Over HALF way done with the RESET

Day 12 has arrived.  I survived day 11 but BARLEY.

This day has begun better than I thought.  After the day I had yesterday I stepped on the scale... BOOM down a TOTAL of 5.8 pounds!   CRAZY.   It is even better that my mindset is changing and I am getting the opportunity to work on my relationship with food.

Meal 1:  You guessed it FRUIT - Get prepared to see a full week more of this!!  Strawberries, Honeydew, and Pineapple.

But not after I drink DETOX.  This is a good picture that shows you it looks like your drinking pepper. haha.  Taste like lemon :)

Meal 2: LUNCH - I was a little worried about today. We had a team building activity today and since I am the new girl (only 2 girls in our whole department) I didn't want to not eat what they were serving and be THAT person.   I sucked it up and ate what they served which consisted of choosing our own meat.  I went with chicken breast.  I ate about 2 oz, it helped that it wasn't full cooked so I just ate the cooked parts and brought the rest home.  Then I had to choose from the following sides Baked Beans, Coleslaw, Potato Salad, Rolls.   I chose a little bit of baked beans and potato salad.  I was pretty happy with myself as I didn't use it as a cheat and I was conscious of what I ate and I still felt full but not bloated.   I have to call that WIN!!!

SNACK - Vegan Chocolate Shakeology.  I am so thankful for Shakeology.  It is helping me with my cravings and providing my body with proper nutrients and it taste absolutely wonderful without all that extra sugars and crap!

Meal 3: Supper.  This is also a meal that I have surprisingly haven't gotten sick of eating. I enjoy eating these veggies and I feel so AMAZING after I eat them!

Friday Night wraps up my FIRST full week of Country Heat LIVE classes :)

That feeling after you get done teaching your first week of classes! 
I can't believe that I thought I was not fit for the "fitness class teacher" life.
I have been missing out for far to long! I'm so freaking thankful that I have found my passion and get to go outside of my box to learn new things and learn about me! I am an introvert still awkward at times when it comes to conversation but I've learned to embrace it because it's who I am and I can only learn to break out of the boring old box more often!

That's a WRAP on DAY 12!

Day 11 of the Ultimate Reset

What to say about this day.  This DAY was by far the HARDEST!
My mind just didn't know what it wanted.  I was VERY tired.  I could hardly keep by eyes open at work.  It was craving chocolate ALL day!  and to know that we have a "treat" fridge at work makes it harder!   FULL of all sorts of candy bars...   BUT I avoided it.  I have come TOO far to throw it all away for a craving that would soon go away.

I did get a workout this morning - Hammer and Chisel and practiced Country Heat LIVE.  Normally after working out I feel great! So TIRED!!

Meal 1: FRUIT as always!! 

As you can tell... my mind was boggled this day - I didn't SAVE any pictures! I had to go back to IG and Snapchat to find them!!!   Feel Free to Follow Me if you aren't already.

Snapchat - taryncrees
IG - @taryncrees

During week 2 before each meal you are to drink DETOX and take 2 pills of Optimize.  The detox drink looks horrible BUT I can reassure you.. it taste SO much better than the power greens!!  It has a lemony taste to it.   IF you are a texture person this might get you because it is kind of like drinking poppy seeds which we would never do but the particles are about the same size or a little smaller.

Meal 2:  I was still on track however I was still sleepy even after all of those natural sugars!  Today wasn't any different from any other day so besides this cleanse I am not sure what else was making me so tired.       1c brown rice and pinto beans and 1 cup green beans. (pictures again from IG)

Pre Snack - NASTY POWER GREENS - This is a mix of celery powder, spinach powder and some other powders of vegetables.  Not good.

Snack:  And 30 MINUTES later...It was FINALLY time for my SHAKE.  CHOCOLATE!!! YAY!!!! ( this picture I remembered to save!!)

Meal 3:  I learned how difficult it is to go out to eat and choose something healthy but also choose something that fits what I am allowed to eat during this reset..  It was so hard and I felt AWFUL for being so picky.  I went with the Crispy Chicken Salad - No black olives, bacon, and no cheese.  It came with chicken which I gave to Kamden but the chicken was chopped up so there were a few pieces on my salad and it came with an egg which sat there for a while until I ate half of it.  Dressing was Light Italian but I barely used any because I don't even like Italian dressing.  There are also tomatoes on there and I ate them.  They were small enough for me to hardly taste :)

 Day 11 was over and SOOOOO tough!! FINALLY It is OVER!

Days 9 & 10

Day 9.  I have come so far.  For the most part I am not craving anything specific. I am not missing the meat and eggs like I thought I would.  I have had some temptation with cheese because I give Kamden string cheese but other than that I feel AMAZING!

I am sure I am going to drink this Gallon PLUS more!

On the Reset, you drink distilled water and you add Mineralize to it, which is a compound that Beachbody has put together!  There is no taste to it, the distilled water doesn't taste any different than regular tap water either.

Meal 1: FRUIT- I love this part! Strawberries, honeydew, a little bit of pineapple, and 1 kiwi.

Meal 2: Veggie Stir Fry.  I am so amazing at how full I actually feel after eating 2 cups of this!

HOWEVER, by 2:30 I am really ready for my snack so I drink down the Power Greens and then get the yummy apple and peanut butter.

This snack never failed anyone's expectations :)

When I got home from work.. I was still craving a little some sweet so I ate Cinnamon and Sugar Toasted Pumpkin Seeds - they are organic and healthy :)  Still not something that was necessarily NEEDED..

Meal 3: I tried something new again!   Brown Rice and Pinto Beans and then added some green beans! FULL plate - never disappointing!!

DAY 10

By this day I am feeling really good.  I did step on the scale and I am still down!! WHOOT.  Down 4 pounds at this point!! Feeling BOMB about that!!

My favorite part of the reset really has to be breakfast! FRUIT I love it!!  This morning I only had Strawberries and Honeydew.   Honeydew has also become a favorite fruit of mine.  I has avoided it forever, even in those fruit salads I would pick around it.  I don't even know why... maybe because it is green???  Who knows but I am sad I waited until now to try it!

Meal 2: Lunch - 1/2 cup of pinto beans and rice mix. lettuce, 1/4 c carrots and 1/8 c of sunflower seeds with EVOO dressing.   I might have found the only way that I will eat the "microgreen" salad.  Plain as plain could be!

Snack: Vegan Shakeology - Only half a scoop.  Makes me sad because I love Shakeology and I feel like in 2 sips its gone!!  If you have ever tried shakeology you know how I feel!

Sweater weather was here this day!!

Meal 3: Supper 2 cups of veggie stir fry

No challenges today!  I was feeling pretty good about that.. Stuck to the plan :)  

Wednesday is WORKOUT night.  2nd Country Heat LIVE workout went down!!!  Added more people today!! It was Awesome!! :)  I love this!!

Week 1 is done - Move to Week 2 Release

I have completed WEEK 1- I can't believe I have made it this far and my only cheats are oranges and raw nuts!  That is a HUGE win in my book.    I am feeling so much better this week.  I did do a weight in and take my measurements.

Are you ready for this??   I am down 3.8 pounds and 2.75 inches.  Doesn't seem like a whole lot but for just 1 week that is awesome and I am extremely proud of my own results.

Meal 1:  Breakfast.  This week starts the 3 cups of fruit for breakfast and I am not going to complain!!!  I LOVE fruit!!!

Strawberries, Honeydew, Pineapple, and 1 Kiwi.  YUMM

Went to the FAIR today which meant more temptations! UGH! FAIR food.. I normally don't go all out at the fair but I do love the Corn Dogs and something sweet, NITRO Ice Cream SO YUMMY!!!

But I stuck to the plan. I packed my Lunch and Snack for the day so that I had foods I knew I was able to have during the day!

Meal 2: Lunch: Salad with Carrots and Sunflower seeds with a little Olive Oil dressing while watching the Sea Lion show!  It was pretty cute!

I had to watch my mom, sister, and Kamden eat Cheeseballs and Mini Donuts.  I was even a sweet heart and brought my husband some mini donuts home.

Got well over 15,000 steps at the fair.

Mom now works for AGCO so we went and saw the BIG tractors.  Kamden was in HEAVEN - he even wore is Massy Shirt :)

Snack time:  Snack now consists of 1/2 scoop of Vegan Shakeology!

Fair was exhausting I super hungry for snack!!

Today was also a big day for me as I hosted my first Country Heat LIVE workout.  While at Summit, this program was released.  I had tried 2 of the workouts when they were available on Beachbody on Demand and I FELL in LOVE.  I made the decision to just DIVE in and get certified so I could share my love of the program with others and help them on their health and fitness journey by having fun dancing and getting our sweat on. 

First class went well!! A few mistakes but everyone was dripping sweat!!

DAY 7 of the UR

Woke up feeling great unlike some of the people at the party hehe.

It felt really good knowing I avoided eating anything last night!

Meal 1: Breakfast - this morning the family had Shakeology.

Since the hubs was home watching football he had baby duty while this mama hit up the gym  It is always nice to take the workout elsewhere.   I did the Elliptical, Bike, and a little bit of weights!

I used to go to the gym ALL the time, I would spend hours there just to reach my goals.  Now I am working on balance and working on my nutrition AND working out at HOME.   Its all about finding out what works best for you.   With Kamden,  I no longer had the freedom to go to the gym whenever I wanted and with our crazy busy schedules it is hard to FIND the time to go.  Working out at home has made that easier.

Meal 2: Lunch:   Micro Green Salad - I kept it basic.  Lettuce, Carrots, and Sunflower seeds along with some olive oil dressing.

No snack today - Kamden and I were busying running last minute errands for his birthday party!!

Meal 3: Dinner - Veggie Stir Fry -This has become one of my favorite meals.  It is SO easy to make and store for the week so I can just quickly grab it!

After dinner was the hard part.  CAKE - my favorite cake from Wal-Mart. Whip Topping Frosting!  YUM.

LOOK at that SMILE - he loved being sung too!
Happy Birthday Kamden - I seriously can't believe your TWO.

Can you believe that I didn't have any of that!? CRAZY!!!

Ultimate Reset: Day 5 & 6

I am 5 days into this journey - this is about the time that I cave.  Friday night right and your supposed to go out and be social.  Well not this time.

Meal 1: Breakfast - Shakeology:)  My photo won't upload but you get the point!

Today my overall attitude is a little better but like I mentioned its day 5 and this is the point where I start feeling weak and want to cave.

Meal 2: 2 cups Veggie Stir Fry, 2 oz chicken

Snack: 1/2 apple, 1/2 tbsp PB, 8 carrots and 2 more Clementines - They are GONE! I promise!!!

Meal 3: Southwest Taco - adding some seasonings and it was BOMB!

Did a little FRIDAY night walk with the FAM.  Kamden is all about going outside and being on the go.  So we have been doing alot of walks!

DAY 6:   TODAY IS GAME DAY and we have a big party to go to... UGH -First huge TEMPTATION.   PLUS it is KAMDEN'S 2nd BIRTHDAY so CAAAKE UGH.

Meal 1: Breakfast   My sister invited us over for breakfast.  I know that past day 4 or 5 you aren't supposed to have any more dairy or meat but I had 1 egg and I brought my own fruit!

Annnnd Kamden got a cupcake for breakfast.  I can't believe that he is TWO already!!  Where has the time gone??

Filled him up on sugar before pictures :)

Snack:   I made the decision to drink my shake RIGHT before I went to hopefully fill up and avoid the snacks.

The other thing that I find hard to skip is the ALCOHOL.   Beer and Tailgating and I will be drinking my water!    SO hard to believe that I am NOT participating in any of the drinking and eating for a tailgate party!  Just not me but when I have major goals in my mind I am going to reach them.  I am at that point where I am tired of how I look and feel!!

Meal 3: Supper.  I brought my veggies to the party and warmed those up, I took a picture to share with the UR group but I deleted it :( I also has some watermelon, Cantaloupe, and Grapes.

I did have a snack after supper again.  While everyone was getting the beer munchies I was getting the they are eating munching and had packed an apple so I ate that.

I call that day a WIN for SURE!  I didn't touch any of the snacks or alcohol!!

4 Days In

We had an early bird in the house.   He hasn't been sleeping that well, so we have been getting up super early.  Its been a little harder on me as I am going through this cleanse and feeling tired and exhausted.   Yesterday I was feeling pretty weak but today I was feeling a little better.  Did a little reading while the little was snuggled up watching cartoons.

Meal 1: Breakfast - SHAKEOLOGY for the win.   This has really been a game changer in my journey.  Vegan Chocolate has been my top flavor next to Cafe Latte (and I don't even like coffee) but I can't have that during these 21 days.

I have just been mixing my shake with the mineralized distilled water.

Meal 2: Lunch  1/2 cup beans and rice. 1 cup lettuce and 1/2 cup carrots plus a little olive oil dressing.  I can NOT figure out the whole microgreen salad thingy.  I don't cucumbers or tomatoes, if I eat them they have to be chopped up super small.  I have tried over and over again to eat them and I just can't

Snack:  APPLE and PB YAY!  Always refreshing after having to drinking 

Picture was shared on snap chat! 
FEEL Free to Follow me: taryncrees is my screen name :)

---- I also did another whoops today. :(   I had 2 more clementines and a handful of cashews.  It was there and I was feeling a little hungry.

Each day I you are supposed to reach a gallon of Distilled water that contains Mineralize.  Today mine was finished before 4 PM.

Meal 3: Supper 2 eggs 1 pc of Ezekiel bread. 1/2 c asparagus 1/2 cup carrots 3 strawberries
S: 2 clementine.

Challenge today has for SURE been those damn clementines!!   They need to be gone and then I will NOT buy them until the reset is over!!

VIDEO RECAP for Day 4:

Day 3 of the Ultimate Reset

Wednesday September 7th

Woke up feeling okay. My body was actually sore, almost like I ran 5 miles and lifted heavy weights.  It made it hard to get out of bed.

Meal 1: Breakfast was the ever so awesome Vegan Chocolate Shakeology!   Felt like supporting the Hawkeyes today!  There is never a bad time to support them!! The BIG Iowa/Iowa State game is this weekend!

Meal 2: Lunch - Good Ole' Chicken Breast and Veggie Stir Fry.

OHHH.. then comes the oh so dreaded greens.  I wish at this point I could tell you that it gets better but that is a lie.  After 3 days I still can't stomach it.  My TIP if you are going to do this is to use COLD water.

Snack:  I totally take advantage of being able to eat apples with peanut butter even if it is ALL natural organic peanut butter I still LOVE IT!
I also had 2 clementines for snack today as well.  They are just sitting on the counter screaming eat me!!!!
I still haven't broken that habit of seeing something, wanting it, and not eating it. UGH

Meal 3: Supper  When it came to doing this whole reset, This meal by FAR was the one I FOR sure knew that I would like eating, even though I am not a huge rice eater.   I did have to substitute the shell for a garden veggie one because I couldn't find our corn tortillas, however I ate half of the shell and said forget it because I just wasn't feeling it.

I do have to admit this wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be... I think next time I will add some seasoning to the beans and rice to give it more of a taco flavor.


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Day 2

After having a horrible headache yesterday, I was scared for today.  I love CAFFEINE.  I am an addict.  I have quit only 1 time before and it lasted for a good month.  I was proud of myself, but something about energize and feeling pumped for my workout I fell back into that habit and then let go all together.   Today was a new day! :)  I woke up feeling great and got my workout in!

During the reset you are supposed to keep it lighter, but I had the urge to get sweaty so I did!!

Working out makes me feel AWESOME!!

Meal 1 of the day was my awesome SHAKE!  YUMMY - plus some strawberries.  I love Shakeology.  I have tried so many other shakes a literally this is by far my favorite!   During the reset you are only allowed to drink Vegan, which taste pretty damn good to me :)

Favorite Part of the day :)

Meal 2: Lunch - Not so yummy.  I put tomatoes and cucumbers in there only to take them out.. UGH tomorrow we will try something new!

I give it a 9 on presentation if that counts for anything.

BEFORE Snack Supplements:  Let me just tell you this has to be the worst part of this whole thing so far.   POWER GREENS.. YUCK.   You mix the little packet of power greens in 4 to 6 oz of water... let me tell you less is more.  I chug it.  (I will be sure to share a picture)

Snack:  Today I chose to have Siggis Vanilla Yogurt along with a cup of mixed berries.  It was okay - I am not a fan of seeds in my berries  but that is me being picky!  I ate almost all of it.  Didn't finish all the yogurt, I wasn't feeling it.

About this time is when the major headache started to set it. I tried to tough it out for about an hour but when you are working and need to focus I couldn't ride through it so I took 2 ibuprofen.  It helped a little bit but I still came home and took a 40 minute nap to sleep it away.

Meal 3: Supper.  At this point I was a little off schedule after taking a nap, however I woke up took my supplements and started supper.  Veggie Stir Fry.  A little apprehensive considering I just don't really like veggies.  BUT to my surprise it is my favorite meal by far (except Shakeology)  I actually liked the sauteed broccoli! It was delicious.  I wanted seconds.

Overall good day! - I did sneak 2 clementines in there before supper, but if that the worse I do during this whole thing we are still good :) 

RECAP of day 2:


I have decided to do the Ultimate Reset because I have been really struggling with getting my nutrition on track.  It has been something I have really struggled with.  Since joining Beachbody back on October 2015 I have grown so much and have learned so much but have gotten in a rutt and become very lenient on my food choices.

I am doing the ULTIMATE reset of my nutrition to get it in check so I am able to reach my goals!

Day 1

You drink distilled water, I grabbed gallon jugs of it so that it would be my goal to drink at least 1 a day!

Meal 1: 2 Eggs, 1 piece of Ezekiel bread, and 1 cup of carrots.

Meal 2: Lunch. Microgreen Salad.  I added tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, lettuce, and sunflower seeds topped with the UR Greek Dressing.    I am NOT a fan of cucumbers or tomatoes.... but I ate them.

Snack:  Apple and Organic Peanut Butter... YUMM  No pictures, probably because at this point I was actually really freaking hungry!!

Meal 3:  The American Meal - Grilled Chicken, 1 cup asparagus, and 3/4 cup baby potatoes.  Since joining Beachbody and following the containers and the 21 Day Fix approved, I haven't each much for potatoes because they counted as carbs and selfish me wanted to eat bread for my carbs!

I feel that part of this journey is growing and really learning about you. Pushing you further to try new things.  There is no change if you don't take chances.  I am really excited to push myself for the next 21 days to really see a change in my body, but also in my mind.  I need a better mindset to re-evaluate my relationship with food.

Recap of the DAY: