Saturday, October 1, 2016

Results of the Ultimate RESET!!

The moment you have all been waiting for‼️

21 days of resetting not only my nutrition, but my mind and body. 
It wasn't easy, there were days I was craving the weirdest things, pretty much because it couldn't have it.

There were times were I just gave up and didn't because dinner wasn't what I expected, or I just wasn't hungry. I skipped out on fair food and beer at a tailgating party.

I knew I needed a change and this was the change that I needed. I've had issues with nutrition. It's been a mind game going back and forth between my stomach and my mind.

I'm extremely happy with my results and I am ready to continue this process and continue growing my relationship with food into an amazing, loving, committed relationship.

Results: -7 lbs and -7 inches. ❤️❤️❤️
 You'll have to be willing to accept that your ways have to change. I am ready to share my experience with you and help you get on the right track to creating a healthy relationship between you and food.

It's hard, it can be boring, it can be easy, it can be delicious, and it can be wonderful. If your goals are large enough you will commit to feeding yourself better and the feeling will be amazing, you will feel amazing, you will find new things to do and become obsessed with the healthy lifestyle! ❤️🙌🏽

If your reading this and your ready for a change!  Feel Free to e-mail me - IF I can do this. SO CAN YOU..   

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