Friday, October 21, 2016

Accountability Group - Starts November 1st.

Ahh man!

I was really on track doing the health bet and then it's been hit or miss, but it's time to get serious. The holidays are coming and most people gain on average 10 to 15 pounds

I feel in the giving mood and because I want to get some serious results for me and for you.....
I am going to give a $40 gift certificate to 1 person who does a program from start to finish!! Let's pick a 30 to 60 day program to finish out the year. (I will do a drawing if more than 1 person completes it)


*Log your workout everyday even if its rest day you will log a rest day.

*log your nutrition everyday including a nutrient dense meal replacement shake.

*take before pictures and measurements AND eventually your AFTERS

*submit your results to get a FREE t shirt

This group goes all in starting November 1st. I am ALL for you getting to where you want to be and the holidays are the toughest.

I need accountability just as much as you and during the health bet we all did AMAZING because everyone was showing up EVERYDAY! I want that ALL DAY- EVERYDAY - EVERY MONTH -EVERY WEEKEND.

If you invite a friend to join us to do this I will gift you a FREE cookbook (awesome recipes and an amazing ways to get in your veggies) and a hippie runner head band!

Comment below if your ALL in or email me at for the details!

Don't let the holidays allow you to put on 10 to 15 pounds!

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