Saturday, October 1, 2016

DAY 20 and 21 of the Ultimate Reset

To be honest these last two days were really rough.  I was also traveling out of town and debating on packing everything or choosing better options for me... I didn't do too hot to finish out these last 2 days.

TMI moment... Veggies and fruits natural fibers - not good for my body feeling really backed up.

Meal 1: Breakfast.

  Headed on the road.
Packed my water and some fruit for breakfast because hotels hardly have any good fruit.

Meal 2: Lunch - We went out to eat.  While everyone else had burgers and wraps.  I had a cobb salad with a little bit of grilled chicken ( not supposed to have meat) I picked off most of it for my son to eat.  It had an egg, bacon, and tomatoes on it.   For dressing, I had a little ranch which is exactly what my body needed to release...... haha.  Struggle was real!!!

Meal 3: Wedding time - At this point I had a toddler who didn't want to listen.  He was all over the place being a toddler and I really let the stress get to me.
I had a Caesar salad, breadstick (shame shame) and a small serving of pasta with chicken again.  

I know that none of that is allowed, but in the past i would have never gotten a salad and I would have had a huge plate of pasta and multiple bread sticks, so I was truly happy with my choices even though it was not approved.

Day 21!!!! YAY FINAL DAY!!! ( No Pictures because I was tooo occupied and annoyed to be completely honest)

LOONG night.  Kamden was just on his own time and did what he wanted.  

Meal 1:  The family went for breakfast and I brought my container of fruit. ( I left my phone in the room) :(

It was then time to head home - long car ride.  Stocked up on water.

Meal 2:  We stopped for lunch.  Buffalo Wild WINGS... REALLY MOM and DAD. UGH

However, I made better decisions than I would have in the past.  I did have a wrap - loaded with lettuce and tomatoes which some grilled chicken.  Could have been worse as my family ordered appetizers for the game.  I could have chose a better option but I was still stressed out. Kamden isn't good with traveling and I allowed that to get in the way of my last day.  Its okay because I know that this Ultimate Reset has changed me and I can make better choices when it comes to food.

I feel so much better when eating a wrap instead of 10 boneless wings with 2 containers of ranch, and the side of cheese balls and fried pickles that I used to get.  I love WINGS!!

On the ride home I chose to read - Clear my mind and bring me back to earth. Life is crazy but It can be controlled

Meal 3: Popcorn and to bed early...

RESULTS COME ON DAY 22!!! Who is ready!?????????????

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