Saturday, October 1, 2016

Day 17 and 18

I am getting soo close to being DONE!! I can see the end.

Day 17 has been tough. I really want more than just fruits and veggies.  I want meat!!!!  However I am feeling really lean today!

Meal 1:
While making my plate for breakfast I couldn't help but think of my grandma. 

When we would spend the night, she would have a tray of fresh fruits for us in the morning for breakfast! ❤️

This breakfast is in memory of Grandma Betty Lou! I love you!

Meal 2: Lunch.
I simply cannot think of one reason why you should not be eating this food besides maybe the fact that you could be allergic to something in it. (Not likely)

We often make excuses as to why we can't eat it doesn't fill me up or it's gross or too expensive and the list goes on and on.

You've been watching my journey of learning how to feed my body better by going back to basics of eating fruits and veggies. I've tried so many new foods and have learned to like some of it, it may have taken a few tries but I didn't give up.

If you want results while working out your nutrition has to come FIRST. You have to learn about your body and what it needs to run.

I fully agree that it sucks watching people eat pizza, cookies, brownies and so on but I don't have the bloated and sluggish feeling after like they do while eating my salad.

Am I living my life?? Yes!!!

But the maintaining part comes after you've gotten your results. I want results! You have to be ALL in when it comes to your nutrition or your wasting your time. 

Meal 3 - Stir Fry Veggies the norm!

Country Heat LIVE Night..

DAY 18 has arrived  - 4 days to go!

That moment when you forget to take a picture of your shake.. I was STARVING and was really craving everything and anything!!  Today has been super rough.  I am just ready to be done!!!!

Here's the ingredients to the power greens... YUCK

Bring on the last 3 days!!!!!!!


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