Saturday, October 1, 2016

Day 19 - 3 Days to go!!

AHHHHH 3 more days! Bring it on!!

Meal 1: Breakfast.  Fruit.  The peaches have been sooo delicious and juicy!

Meal 2:   Salad - I am sure that I really like this salad and will continue to eat it!  Crazy how much my mind has changed about this salad.  A few tweeks and it has become something I can enjoy everyday!


⚔️My secret weapon ⚔️

Shakeology is made from whole food sources which means no chemicals or additives!

✔️70 super foods
✔️23 vitamins and minerals
✔️8 essential amino acids help build muscles and reduce cravings
✔️ digestive enzymes and pre & probiotic to help improve digestion and nutrient absorptions

All of that can't be found in any other meal of your day. ✌🏽

Meal 3:  Sweet Potato with a little but of cinnamon on top and green beans for the win!!  I peel my sweet potato and lather it with Extra Virgin Olive Oil and then stick it in the microwave for about 6 minutes or until it is soft.   Easy and Simple.  Believe it or not, this fills me up.

Country Heat NIGHT - IF you have heard of this program you need to give it a shot - Serious SWEAT!!! - ALL DANCING

2 more days to gooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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