Saturday, October 1, 2016

Day 14 - Last Week of Detox

GOOOOOD Morning Day 14.  I have made it two weeks on this journey. SO awesome.

Things are going great.  I am feeling wonderful.  I am starting to miss chicken and eggs as those are my favorite.  I am going to into week 3 which is just veggies and fruit.  We no longer get beans or seeds.  At least that is how I understand it.

Meal 1: Breakfast - the wonderful breakfast.  Yeah yeah yeah same picture of fruit again, however it never gets old eating fruit for breakfast. Gives you energy in a natural way!
It is Sunday and we have no plans for today besides house work and relaxing, BEST way to spend a Sunday!!

Meal 2:  Lunch is served - I have switched my dressing to Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Garlic and Basil.  It is organic and taste wonderful!

Snack - Shake TIME - might be my second favorite part of my day! EVEN if I only get half a scoop!

LAST DETOX going DOWN, even though I would much rather drink it for another week instead of Power Greens!

Meal 3:  Gave the Lentils and Quinoa another shot - I ate it, but it wasn't good. I made a huge batch of it too, I ended up throwing it away :(

Day 14 Comes to an END.  RESULTS to come!!

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