Friday, October 21, 2016

Accountability Group - Starts November 1st.

Ahh man!

I was really on track doing the health bet and then it's been hit or miss, but it's time to get serious. The holidays are coming and most people gain on average 10 to 15 pounds

I feel in the giving mood and because I want to get some serious results for me and for you.....
I am going to give a $40 gift certificate to 1 person who does a program from start to finish!! Let's pick a 30 to 60 day program to finish out the year. (I will do a drawing if more than 1 person completes it)


*Log your workout everyday even if its rest day you will log a rest day.

*log your nutrition everyday including a nutrient dense meal replacement shake.

*take before pictures and measurements AND eventually your AFTERS

*submit your results to get a FREE t shirt

This group goes all in starting November 1st. I am ALL for you getting to where you want to be and the holidays are the toughest.

I need accountability just as much as you and during the health bet we all did AMAZING because everyone was showing up EVERYDAY! I want that ALL DAY- EVERYDAY - EVERY MONTH -EVERY WEEKEND.

If you invite a friend to join us to do this I will gift you a FREE cookbook (awesome recipes and an amazing ways to get in your veggies) and a hippie runner head band!

Comment below if your ALL in or email me at for the details!

Don't let the holidays allow you to put on 10 to 15 pounds!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Pork Carnitas

Pork Carnitas

A busy life calls for some easy recipes that don't take much extra time to prepare.  Crock pot meals are amazing and I don't use them near enough!

Decided to host a free crock pot group to try a few out with other busy ladies.  First day was a success!!  The hubs LOVED them and asked why I don't make them more often!


Pork tenderloin (I always look for the leanest I can find)
1 can Rotel
1/2 Onion
2 Bay Leaves
2t Cayenne Pepper
2t Chili Powder
Salt and Pepper to taste

Pork Carnitas Recipe Directions:
1.  Dice onion into thick slices and line the bottom of your crock pot with them.
2. Place pork tenderloin on top of the onions and sprinkle your spices (and place bay leaves) on the pork.
3. Pour 1/2 bottle of salsa, entire can of Rotel around pork
4. Cook on low for 5-8 hours, depending on the size of your tenderloin.
5. Pull pork out and shred it, then add it back into the crockpot.
6. Serve with warm flour or corn tortillas, some fresh Pico De Gallo, refried beans, guacamole

21 Day Fix Pork Carnitas

 1.5C of Pork Carnitas plus 1/2 green container of veggies (tomatoes, lettuce, cilantro) turns this recipe into 2R and 1G.

2 small corn tortillas count as 1 yellow container. - Remember when adding toppings to make sure you are counting them (beans = yellow depending on how much you use)

Monday, October 3, 2016

Interested in a FREE Crock Pot group??

Fall has arrived which means so many things. We are busy. We have less time to prepare supper. It is cooler out.

Cool Air calls for Crockpot meals - This Free group will provide you with healthy crockpot meals that the family will love. No more getting pizza after football practice or volleyball practice. No more feeling like you have to rush home and cook supper. 

Put the ingredients in the crockpot in the morning and out the door you go to come home to a yummy smelling house and supper!

Join me on Facebook :)

Add me as a friend  -

Message me to get added to the group!

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Results of the Ultimate RESET!!

The moment you have all been waiting for‼️

21 days of resetting not only my nutrition, but my mind and body. 
It wasn't easy, there were days I was craving the weirdest things, pretty much because it couldn't have it.

There were times were I just gave up and didn't because dinner wasn't what I expected, or I just wasn't hungry. I skipped out on fair food and beer at a tailgating party.

I knew I needed a change and this was the change that I needed. I've had issues with nutrition. It's been a mind game going back and forth between my stomach and my mind.

I'm extremely happy with my results and I am ready to continue this process and continue growing my relationship with food into an amazing, loving, committed relationship.

Results: -7 lbs and -7 inches. ❤️❤️❤️
 You'll have to be willing to accept that your ways have to change. I am ready to share my experience with you and help you get on the right track to creating a healthy relationship between you and food.

It's hard, it can be boring, it can be easy, it can be delicious, and it can be wonderful. If your goals are large enough you will commit to feeding yourself better and the feeling will be amazing, you will feel amazing, you will find new things to do and become obsessed with the healthy lifestyle! ❤️🙌🏽

If your reading this and your ready for a change!  Feel Free to e-mail me - IF I can do this. SO CAN YOU..   

DAY 20 and 21 of the Ultimate Reset

To be honest these last two days were really rough.  I was also traveling out of town and debating on packing everything or choosing better options for me... I didn't do too hot to finish out these last 2 days.

TMI moment... Veggies and fruits natural fibers - not good for my body feeling really backed up.

Meal 1: Breakfast.

  Headed on the road.
Packed my water and some fruit for breakfast because hotels hardly have any good fruit.

Meal 2: Lunch - We went out to eat.  While everyone else had burgers and wraps.  I had a cobb salad with a little bit of grilled chicken ( not supposed to have meat) I picked off most of it for my son to eat.  It had an egg, bacon, and tomatoes on it.   For dressing, I had a little ranch which is exactly what my body needed to release...... haha.  Struggle was real!!!

Meal 3: Wedding time - At this point I had a toddler who didn't want to listen.  He was all over the place being a toddler and I really let the stress get to me.
I had a Caesar salad, breadstick (shame shame) and a small serving of pasta with chicken again.  

I know that none of that is allowed, but in the past i would have never gotten a salad and I would have had a huge plate of pasta and multiple bread sticks, so I was truly happy with my choices even though it was not approved.

Day 21!!!! YAY FINAL DAY!!! ( No Pictures because I was tooo occupied and annoyed to be completely honest)

LOONG night.  Kamden was just on his own time and did what he wanted.  

Meal 1:  The family went for breakfast and I brought my container of fruit. ( I left my phone in the room) :(

It was then time to head home - long car ride.  Stocked up on water.

Meal 2:  We stopped for lunch.  Buffalo Wild WINGS... REALLY MOM and DAD. UGH

However, I made better decisions than I would have in the past.  I did have a wrap - loaded with lettuce and tomatoes which some grilled chicken.  Could have been worse as my family ordered appetizers for the game.  I could have chose a better option but I was still stressed out. Kamden isn't good with traveling and I allowed that to get in the way of my last day.  Its okay because I know that this Ultimate Reset has changed me and I can make better choices when it comes to food.

I feel so much better when eating a wrap instead of 10 boneless wings with 2 containers of ranch, and the side of cheese balls and fried pickles that I used to get.  I love WINGS!!

On the ride home I chose to read - Clear my mind and bring me back to earth. Life is crazy but It can be controlled

Meal 3: Popcorn and to bed early...

RESULTS COME ON DAY 22!!! Who is ready!?????????????

Day 19 - 3 Days to go!!

AHHHHH 3 more days! Bring it on!!

Meal 1: Breakfast.  Fruit.  The peaches have been sooo delicious and juicy!

Meal 2:   Salad - I am sure that I really like this salad and will continue to eat it!  Crazy how much my mind has changed about this salad.  A few tweeks and it has become something I can enjoy everyday!


⚔️My secret weapon ⚔️

Shakeology is made from whole food sources which means no chemicals or additives!

✔️70 super foods
✔️23 vitamins and minerals
✔️8 essential amino acids help build muscles and reduce cravings
✔️ digestive enzymes and pre & probiotic to help improve digestion and nutrient absorptions

All of that can't be found in any other meal of your day. ✌🏽

Meal 3:  Sweet Potato with a little but of cinnamon on top and green beans for the win!!  I peel my sweet potato and lather it with Extra Virgin Olive Oil and then stick it in the microwave for about 6 minutes or until it is soft.   Easy and Simple.  Believe it or not, this fills me up.

Country Heat NIGHT - IF you have heard of this program you need to give it a shot - Serious SWEAT!!! - ALL DANCING

2 more days to gooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Day 17 and 18

I am getting soo close to being DONE!! I can see the end.

Day 17 has been tough. I really want more than just fruits and veggies.  I want meat!!!!  However I am feeling really lean today!

Meal 1:
While making my plate for breakfast I couldn't help but think of my grandma. 

When we would spend the night, she would have a tray of fresh fruits for us in the morning for breakfast! ❤️

This breakfast is in memory of Grandma Betty Lou! I love you!

Meal 2: Lunch.
I simply cannot think of one reason why you should not be eating this food besides maybe the fact that you could be allergic to something in it. (Not likely)

We often make excuses as to why we can't eat it doesn't fill me up or it's gross or too expensive and the list goes on and on.

You've been watching my journey of learning how to feed my body better by going back to basics of eating fruits and veggies. I've tried so many new foods and have learned to like some of it, it may have taken a few tries but I didn't give up.

If you want results while working out your nutrition has to come FIRST. You have to learn about your body and what it needs to run.

I fully agree that it sucks watching people eat pizza, cookies, brownies and so on but I don't have the bloated and sluggish feeling after like they do while eating my salad.

Am I living my life?? Yes!!!

But the maintaining part comes after you've gotten your results. I want results! You have to be ALL in when it comes to your nutrition or your wasting your time. 

Meal 3 - Stir Fry Veggies the norm!

Country Heat LIVE Night..

DAY 18 has arrived  - 4 days to go!

That moment when you forget to take a picture of your shake.. I was STARVING and was really craving everything and anything!!  Today has been super rough.  I am just ready to be done!!!!

Here's the ingredients to the power greens... YUCK

Bring on the last 3 days!!!!!!!


Day 15 and 16

RESULTS ARE IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Over the past two weeks I have been working on my nutrition by resetting my body. I gave up caffeine and junk the very first day 😬 After day 5 I gave up meat and dairy. 🙅🏼🍳🍗🧀. After week 2 I’m giving up nuts which includes peanut butter that I have been sneaking in a few times a week. It is sooo important to watch what you are putting into your body. Feed your body right so you can feel great and look great.

Happy to say after 2 weeks. I am down 6.8 pounds and 7.25 inches.

The days are starting to become the same, I am not switching it up by much, just because it don't like some of the recipes provided for this week.  I plan to stick to things that I like.

Breakfast as ALWAYS - FRUIT!  It looks so pretty!!!

1 cup Strawberries, 1 cup Honeydew, 1 peach

Lunch - Salads everyday!! Loaded with Carrots, Jicama, Zucchini!

Shakeology time!!!  I've been a shake drinker beyond that for quite some time, but to be completely honest none of them have measured up to how I feel with Shakeology. It's literally been what I have needed for so long. 

I'm not protein deficient, so I don't just need a protein shake. With all the cravings I have, I am nutrient deficient and that's exactly what Shakeology provides me. NUTRIENTS. 🙌🏽🙌🏽Super foods that make my body feel amazing!

SUPPER - Tried something NEW!! Sweet Potato.  WHYYYY haven't I tried it sooner!! I love it!

ALSO on Day 16 I tried Curried Cauliflower for supper....not so good.  I didn't eat it.  I just don't like curry, BUT the asparagus was good!!!

Hit up the grocery store to get a few things to finish off the week... Water included...


Day 14 - Last Week of Detox

GOOOOOD Morning Day 14.  I have made it two weeks on this journey. SO awesome.

Things are going great.  I am feeling wonderful.  I am starting to miss chicken and eggs as those are my favorite.  I am going to into week 3 which is just veggies and fruit.  We no longer get beans or seeds.  At least that is how I understand it.

Meal 1: Breakfast - the wonderful breakfast.  Yeah yeah yeah same picture of fruit again, however it never gets old eating fruit for breakfast. Gives you energy in a natural way!
It is Sunday and we have no plans for today besides house work and relaxing, BEST way to spend a Sunday!!

Meal 2:  Lunch is served - I have switched my dressing to Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Garlic and Basil.  It is organic and taste wonderful!

Snack - Shake TIME - might be my second favorite part of my day! EVEN if I only get half a scoop!

LAST DETOX going DOWN, even though I would much rather drink it for another week instead of Power Greens!

Meal 3:  Gave the Lentils and Quinoa another shot - I ate it, but it wasn't good. I made a huge batch of it too, I ended up throwing it away :(

Day 14 Comes to an END.  RESULTS to come!!

Day 13 of the Ultimate Reset

Week 2 is coming to an end!  I am feeling great at this point!  The weekend is going smoothly!

Breakfast:  Fruit

 My day was pretty relaxed, nothing too fancy going on.

Lunch: Micro Green Salad - I am learning to really like this salad BUT not until you drink the DETOX.

We were getting bored so we decided to hit up the lake one last time before it gets cold.
Shakeology for a little snack!

Kamden by West Lake Okoboji  - the docks are out :( Such a sad moment!!

Supper was new! - I tried the Lental and Quinoa Pilaf - Very DRY - not what I was expecting and I clearly didn't finish it all.

Day 13 ended very well.  I feel amazing.