Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Sweat Intervals

This morning, I wake up at 4:55 am - so early but I do it.  Then I drink my Energize which is like energy in a bottle - freaking rocks!  Now I'm pumped for my workout.   I did Sweat Intervals on Insanity Max:30 and let me tell you Insanity Max is just that INSANE seriously  I butt kickin' work out in 30 minutes.

It was a mixture of squats and lunges and whole bunch of other hard moves - totally modified the workout and I don't even care :)  Really the whole point of the program is to MAX out with a greater time than the initial time.  Just goes to show you are really pushing yourself the to the max!! I feel great!  Getting my workout done in the morning is so rejuvenating!

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