Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Sweat Intervals

This morning, I wake up at 4:55 am - so early but I do it.  Then I drink my Energize which is like energy in a bottle - freaking rocks!  Now I'm pumped for my workout.   I did Sweat Intervals on Insanity Max:30 and let me tell you Insanity Max is just that INSANE seriously  I butt kickin' work out in 30 minutes.

It was a mixture of squats and lunges and whole bunch of other hard moves - totally modified the workout and I don't even care :)  Really the whole point of the program is to MAX out with a greater time than the initial time.  Just goes to show you are really pushing yourself the to the max!! I feel great!  Getting my workout done in the morning is so rejuvenating!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Well.  This is cool.  My own blog!  What am I going to do?  No one knows not even me! 

I will share whatever.  I'm a horrible writer and bad with words,  so that makes me a natural blogger right...  :)

My name is Taryn Crees.  I recently turned 27 years old on CINCO de MAYO.  I am married to a wonderful man, Dustan and together we have Kamden.  Kamden is an amazing 20 month old boy who is full of energy and so smart! I don't know what life was like before him.  SO much has changed since I've had him, I literally forget what it's like to live in a clean house with clean floors and privacy! ahhh.

Anywhoo... In October of 2015, I received a message from Kasaundra, who is now my awesome Beachbody Coach.  She asked me if I wanted to join her next challenge group.  I'm kind of, well actually I am, a decisive person, meaning I know what I want, when I want it, so I told her yes.  Why not.  Let me try to better my life, what could hurt right.  I loved working out but I didn't eat the best so the group would be great to be more consistent in my life.  I started with the 21 Day Fix Extreme. Only I didn't really start, I still went to the gym but I was drinking the AMAZING Shakeology (I'm sure I will get into that more later)  I was working out daily and drinking my shake and feeling great!  I participated in the challenge group everyday,  my eating wasn't perfect but it was getting better, its a journey not a sprint.  After about a month and half into the group and she messaged me and said "I think you have what it takes to be a coach".  HA no way. I don't and couldn't possibly post and share my story and get people to join me.  I just couldn't. 

Of course I pondered it, money was a little low, I had bills I wanted to pay off and trips I wanted to go on.  After about a week and half of thinking about it, I finally decided SURE.  I'll give it a shot, I'm already working out and taking selfies and drinking my shake.   I just had to do it publicly NOW.  How scary!  Exposing myself to judgement and doubt and whatever else people decided they needed to throw my way, but guess what??? It was about me and the choice that I made to dive in and make life better for me AND for others.  

Here I am, 5 months in, coaching away :)

This journey is about me, but it is also about my challengers.  I enjoy watching them on their journey and love that we have an opportunity to do it together!  They motivate me most of the time with their kind words and there awesome results.   It is seriously just the little things in this "job" of mine that make it wonderful.  It has truly filled a place in my heart and I love every moment of it!  (You'll hear about it, trust me :) )

Day 1, Entry 1- Complete :) That was easy!  Stay tuned I promise my journey won't be this boring :)