Wednesday, August 17, 2016

It has been a whirl wind of a summer. Like most of you it has been crazy!   I have been working out and working on my nutrition.  My nutrition is not where I want it to be but it is something I am working on.

ANYWHO... SO Summit 2016 was CRAZY.  Summit is a Beachbody event where over 20,000 coaches take over a city.  This year we took over Nashville!  Awesome.  I was very excited for this event.  I was totally an eye opener for me.  I was seeing all of these coaches I had previously followed and I was FINALLY able to meet with ladies in person.  We know each other through Zoom.   I know my coach Kasaundra as she lives a town away from me.  I actually met Char when I went to Arizona to hang out with my best friend.  I was able to meet Amanda at Summit as she was my roommate.  It was a blast  we all picked up as if we knew each other.  I love it!

We had workshops that we were in for a few hours for 2 days in which top coaches spoke on their strengths which included running effective groups, recruiting, and building your business.  ALL amazing topics.

My mind is still spinning at all of the stuff I learned and now I am working towards applying it.

All of the amazing things that I can't wait to continue to grow so I can help more people reach their goals whether it is business or health and fitness.   It is something that made me even happier that I made the decision to be a coach.